Two Micro Hydro Projects, Solu Khola MHP (100 kW) and Molung Khola Kanyadaha Sirbungkati Dipli Simsar Kakare MHP (63 kW) have come online. Even though both projects are located nearby bazaar areas, electricity was not accessible for years. Only after one of the partner banks of the MHDF provided loans to complement the subsidy support from the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) along with the communities' own contribution, they finally had the necessary equity available to cover the total project costs. Construction work at both sites already started in 2013-14, but due to various managerial difficulties, these two projects have only now successfully completed the construction. As the saying goes, “even the darkest clouds have silver linings” the construction period took over 5 years. Both MHPs are now operational. Solu Khola has already electrified 1000 HHs whereas Molung Khola electrified 500 HHs. Supported by EnDev and prompted by the cooperation of the local working committee, AEPC and a Bank, 1,500 beneficiaries improved their way of living through access to electricity. To ensure efficient repayment of the loan, smart prepaid meters are being piloted as pioneer approach, envisioning long term viability of not only MHPs but also the MHDF in Nepal.